Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

A month gone by in Sciences at UNB and well... I'm not sure what to think. Biology has required a quite a bit of work, Chemistry is a pain, Physics isn't too bad and Math, well, since I already know it, it's very easy. The labs were pretty crappy at first (57% in Chem, ouch!) but are starting to get a little better. However, I starting to think that Science might not be for me. I'm just gonna tough it out for at least a semester and then I'll make my decision. As for non-school related stuff (of which there's very little haha), the All-Nighter at Crosspoint Wesleyan Church on Friday night was a great success. There were nearly 100 kids, crazy stuff! I rocked out on the drums for Dancing Generation and Rise and Sing, and sung for Hello Hurricane and No One Like You. They all went pretty well, minus John's string breaking, but what can ya do? Oh and the zombie Thriller dance was really well done. Anyways, that's how life has been in the last little while; a few ups and a few downs. Hopefully there will be more ups in the near future.

Catch ya later

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