Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Alter Bridge: AB III

Hello everyone. Today, I'm reviewing Alter Bridge's newest album, AB III. It was released October 8th, 2010. I'm not a die-hard Alter Bridge fan but I did listen to the occasional song before I took a listen to this album. The major difference I saw between the tracks on this album compared to their older songs were the musical styles. Of course, there are still songs that sound like the Alter Bridge fans are used to, such as Breath Again and Show Me a Sign but there were some heavier and lighter songs I wasn't expecting from the band. I really enjoyed the heavier ones like Isolation, I Know It Hurts and Still Remains. The lightest of the songs (light for Alter Bridge at least) I did not enjoy as much, Life Must Go On and Wonderful Life; I felt that they didn't really fit with rest of the album. Overall, the musical quality throughout the album was fairly pleasing to the ear, better than in the past in my opinion. One other thing I like is the amount of songs on the album, 16 in all. I look forward to future releases by the band. I give AB III a 8 out of 10.

Alter Bridge - AB III

Slip to the Void ****
Isolation *****
Ghost Of Days Gone By ****
All Hope Is Gone ***
Still Remains ****
Make It Right ***
Wonderful Life **
I Know It Hurts *****
Show Me A Sign **
Fallout ***
Breath Again *****
Coeur D'Alene *****
Life Must Go On **
Words Darker Than Their Wings *****
Zero ***
Home ***

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lent: What are you giving up?

Hello everyone,

It's been quite a while since my last post, things have been busy but I'm going to try my best to keep the posts regular.

It's that time of year again, Lent. If you're not sure what Lent is all about, there are many websites that can explain it better than I can. In short, you give something up for 40 days up to Easter. I'm giving up fast food because, as a lot of you know, I like to eat out. Last year, I gave up pop and iced tea and managed to last the whole 40 days. So, my question to you is, will you give something up? And if so what? Feel free to leave a comment of your Lent goal(s) below. It's much harder than some of you may think but is very satisfying when you accomplish it.

Well, that's all I have for now. Within the next week, I'll have one or two album reviews for you so look out for those.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Luck: A State of Mind

Hey everyone. Hope you all had a wondeful Christmas, I know I did! Lots of food, family and good cheer all around. And Crosspoint's Christmas @the Playhouse was pretty sweet, glad I was able to be a part of it. Anyways, I came across an article the other day by Switchfoot's very own Jon Foreman called This is What Luck Smells Like. It really made me realize how lucky I really am, despite all of my negativity these days. Let me know what you think of it.

Later days!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This is the Worst!

Hello all. Unfortunately, it is exam time so I thought I would put up a little video to cheer some people up (me included). After the Physics lab disaster tonight, I'm about ready to just collapse and sleep for a week so I know how you feel. Anyways, Christmas is a mere 11 days away! Whoo! I cannot wait!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Quick Hello

Hey there everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I last posted, things have been busy. School is finally starting to wind down and exams start next week. If I can just make it to Christmas... Anyways, things have been a little better since last time, feeling a lot better. I finally went to the doctor to see what was going on with my dizziness. Apparently, when I stand up, my blood pressure drops. I haven't found out what's causing it but I'm going for blood work sometime in January. Well, other than that, there's not much new or interesting going on right now.

Some things coming up:
-Album review (suggestions welcome!)
-Top 10 lists (movies, bands, songs)

Please give me some suggestions on things to talk about, I'm running out of ideas!

Talk to you all soon!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Collective Soul: The Rabbit

So, it been a couple weeks since my last post and I've been listening to Collective Soul's newest album, Collective Soul (or Rabbit as the band nicknamed it) a lot. Overall, I'm very impressed. The musicianship, I thought, was much enhanced compared to the band's older stuff. The guitar skills stood out for me. The drums were done by the bands new drummer, Cheney Brannon, and I really enjoy the interesting beats. Ed Roland's vocals were great as usual and he even played some keys, which were fairly decent. As for the songs, the bulk of them are excellent, save two. The tracks Fuzzy and Lighten Up were kind of disappointing, but more so Fuzzy. I just do not understand why they felt the need to include that song on the album. But, of course, the good outweighs the bad. The top three songs in my opinion are Staring Down, You and Welcome All Again. Staring Down is an upbeat song and includes Ed Roland on the keyboard, which was excellent. This was the first single they released from the album. You is a slower song and speaks to the heart. Welcome All Again is a rocking song and it's easy to get into. My overall rating for the album is a 8.5 out of 10 (Fuzzy brought it down). This will be one of my favourite albums for quite a while.

Collective Soul - Collective Soul (Rabbit)

1. Welcome All Again *****
2. Fuzzy *
3. Dig ****
4. You *****
5. My Days ****
6. Understanding *****
7. Staring Down *****
8. She Does *****
9. Lighten Up **
10. Love ****
11. Hymn For My Father ***

Monday, October 25, 2010

An Apple a Day

Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd give you all an update on how life is going for me. This last week was been shaky. Last Monday, I got a cold, what's the big deal right? Well, on Saturday night, I was experiencing intense pain in my gut, it felt like someone was stabbing me. We (my parents and I) thought I might have to go up to the hospital but I waited it out and it slowly subsided. I'm still feeling kinda crappy at the moment but it's nothing compared to what it was. Hopefully it's just a passing virus and nothing too serious. My visit with the doctor isn't until November 16th so I'll have to wait to make sure all is good. Anyways, school is getting slightly more bearable but I still don't know if it's for me. I've decided to tough it out in sciences for now and see what happens. Within the next week, I'll be reviewing a CD I just picked up, Collective Soul's second self-titled album (not sure why you'd have two haha) and so far I'm enjoying most of the songs. Also, if there's anything you want me to talk about, review or add to my blog, feel free to leave your thoughts on this post. Well, I've got a Chem lab tomorrow so I better get some sleep.

Bye for now