Sunday, September 12, 2010

He shoots, he... he... scores?

Well, tonight, Aaron Shaw somehow convinced me to spend 78 dollars on NHL 11. Personally, I think they are charging way too much for it. The new features are pretty sweet, such as the new face-off maneuvers and the hip checking. However, the passing is pretty bad and the difficulty, as in the 09 title, is still ridiculous. Like really, if you can't even score one goal, what's the point of playing? The greatest part of the game is the return of the multiple players in season mode. For some reason, the took it out in NHL 09. Anyways, the game is still pretty good and the graphics are great. Hopefully I'll get better sometime soon or there will be much controller throwing in the near future.

Friday, September 10, 2010

You Blink and It's Gone

Wow, I can't believe I have posted since Switchfoot! Time flies... High school is now over and the creature that is university has taken over. Although I don't like to admit it, high school wasn't all that bad. I mean, it wasn't the greatest thing in the world but so far, it beats UNB. I'm not enjoying the whole university scene, maybe it'll grow on me.
My one goal for university is to not procrastinate. Not sure if that will happen but we'll just have to see :P Anyways, as for my summer, it was pretty sweet. The highlight, obviously Rush in Toronto, was UNBELIEVABLE! They opened with The Spirit of Radio, one of the best songs of the night. Of course, Neil Peart's drum solo was flawless and the shredding between Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee was incredible. The rest of the summer was mostly spent in the basement, other than the trip to PEI with my Mom's side of the family. Well, I'll be trying to post at least once a week, if university doesn't kill me first.
Peace out suckas!